Weekly COVID Testing FAQs

How does Gloucester's Weekly COVID Testing work?
The type of testing we are using is called “Pooled Testing.” Pooled testing makes it easier and faster to find individuals who might have COVID-19. Here is how it works:

How is the test sample collected?

The nasal sample is collected by using a swab in the lower nasal passage. This technique is less invasive and more comfortable procedure than the “deep nasal swab”.

For students, this is typically a self administered test. Each student or staff member swirls the cotton swab three times in the lower part of each nostril, and it’s done. If any student needs assistance, our staff will help them so the test is done accurately.

What is pool testing?
Pool testing is when a small group of individuals take the same type of test and their test samples are all analyzed together to get one result that includes all people in that group.

In pooled testing, swabs from multiple people are tested together. Using groups of 10, a lab can test 100 people by only running 10 tests - making pooled testing programs much more efficient and affordable.

This approach will allow the Gloucester Public Schools to test many more students and staff than if we did all individual tests.

Will I be charged for this test?
GPS's weekly COVID testing is free for families and staff. This program is supported by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, the Department of Health, and American Rescue Plan funding.

Am I/is my child required to get a test?

Participating in our weekly testing is strongly encouraged, but is voluntary. The more students and school staff who are tested, the more likely we are to find any positive cases, even in those students who may be asymptomatic.

What steps do I follow to participate?

To participate every student or staff member just needs to have a completed Consent Form. Students who are 18 and staff can complete their own consent forms. Students who are under 18 must have a parent or guardian complete the Consent Form.

To complete a Consent Form, click on the link below that applies to you or your student. You will go to the website of CIC Health, our testing partner to complete the consent form. CIC Health is the organization that all Massachusetts schools are partnering with to provide weekly COVID testing.

Sign Up by Following the Link Below

How is the test sample collected?

The nasal sample is collected by using a swab in the lower nasal passage. This technique is less invasive and more comfortable procedure than the “deep nasal swab”.

For students, this is typically a self administered test. Each student or staff member swirls the cotton swab three times in the lower part of each nostril, and it’s done. If any student needs assistance, our staff will help them so the test is done accurately.

Should individuals who have previously tested positive for COVID-19 be included in pools?

Individuals who have previously tested positive in the past 90 days should not test. After 90 days, you should be included again in the pools. (Please note that guidance on this point will soon be revised from 90 to 180 days after a positive individual test result).

What happens if a pooled test is positive?

Most pools will be negative. If a pool is flagged as positive, then we know that there is at least one individual in that group who is positive for COVID-19. Every member of that pool must be re-tested individually on the next school day at the school to determine who is actually positive for COVID. Pool group members that are from a positive pool should isolate until they can be re-tested.

What happens if a pooled test is negative?

Most pools will be negative. A negative test result means that COVID-19 was not detected in that group, and there is no risk of infection in that pool.

How will parents/guardians be notified of pooled results?

You will receive an individual notification if your child is in a positive pool. At that time, you will get directions on how your child will get follow up testing to determine if they are actually positive for COVID-19.

How long will it take to receive pooled test results?

Pool results will be available within 24-48 hours following the test. As a reminder, students and staff do not need to quarantine while awaiting pooled test results and should be in school unless they become symptomatic.

If an individual’s follow-up test comes back as positive, what is the school's approach?

If an individual’s follow-up test comes back positive, then that person has a confirmed positive case and must stay out of school and follow the same Department of Health’s quarantine directions that we have been using since last year.

Who conducts contact tracing?

The Gloucester Department of Health and school nurses will conduct contact tracing like we have for all positive cases throughout the school year.

As individuals are vaccinated, should they be included in pools?

Yes. Vaccinated individuals should still be included in pooled testing.

Is there a potential for false positives?

False positives are possible but very rare.

If we are testing the school community, do we still need to wear masks, social distance, etc.?

Yes, the entire school community must continue to follow all of our safety protocols including wearing masks, frequent hand washing, staying home when having symptoms or feeling ill. Using pool testing in addition to our safety protocols will help students and staff minimize health issues related to COVID-19, and help keep our community safer.