Special Education

Dear Parents:

This notice is to inform you of the next steps regarding services to our special education students. We appreciated your input regarding your child's progress and experience during the period of remote learning in the 2019-2020 school year as it helps us plan for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year.

Our district is committed to continued family engagement. Our commitment is aligned with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's (DESE) comprehensive “Guidance on Fall 2020 Special Education Services" issued on July 9, 2020 which emphasizes the importance of engaging parents in discussions regarding special education services and how they may be provided differently because of changes to the overall learning environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As you know, the Gloucester Public Schools will be implementing a hybrid instructional model. General details regarding this model have been communicated separately by the Gloucester Public Schools.

During the 10-day period of time that staff will be participating in professional development, your child’s special education liaison will be reaching out to you regarding how IEP services will be implemented differently than is outlined in your child's current IEP. For example, services may need to be delivered differently because of modifications to health and safety procedures and/or the need to provide some or all services remotely. Students must receive all services documented in their IEP’s to the greatest extent possible while abiding by the current necessary health and safety requirements. It is important to note that a change in the delivery of services due to a school's change in learning model, in-person, hybrid or remote, as a result of COVID-19 does not result in a change in placement. The services outlined in the IEP remain and are considered "stay-put."

If you have any questions, please contact me at 978-281-9804 or email me at pwegmann@gloucesterschools.com.


Patricia Wegmann